A supported Life
“The expression of our creativity and thus the gesture of our inner self is innate to all of us”. (ASL)
Samual screen printing work for the upcoming exhibition ‘I Am’
I wanted to share a bit about my role as Arts Facilitator with the organisation, A Supported Life and Two4nine, and introduce you to a bit about what they do.
A Supported Life (ASL) offers adolescents and adults with learning disabilities a wide range of support opportunities and residential options in their community.
They are hugely committed to inclusivity and connection, which helps to prosper the aspirations of the individuals they care for.
I have had the privilege of working alongside two of the team from ASL this year, Jared and Samual, and have been guiding them through the processes of printing on fabrics and paper.
They have been doing some amazing work!
ASL also operate an innovative community inclusive Gallery and Gallery shop, + Art studio, called Two4nine. And its a very cool place to buy wonderful handmade gifts and art. (249 Edmonton Road, Te Atatu)
Jareds and Sams textile works, linen tea towels and calico totes will be available to purchase soon! Watch this space.
Jared screen printing on paper
Jared Self portrait, Screen print on paper. This was done by tracing a photocopy of his face with opaque pen on clear film. Then I exposed this drawing onto a silk screen.
Samual’s circles, screen printed on paper
Samual’s printed linen tea towel, so much fun, hard to know when to stop!